After-sales service

Servicio Tecnico MESTRA Talleres Mestraitua

Products under warranty

If your product is still under warranty, please follow the instructions and fill the form. Our Technical Services Department will answer you as soon as possible.


Package the product in its original packaging or, if it is not possible, use a packaging that adequately protects the merchandise. Please, remember that the warranty does not cover damage resulting from an inadequate packaging when returning goods.

Transport fees.

In order to determine who will manage the transport, each case will be considered individually.


MESTRA will consider products for warranty for a year from the date of purchase. You must attach the purchase invoice in order to justify the warranty period.

Warranty Repair

The Warranty Period for the repair will expire six (6) months after the date of repair (except for natural wear or improper use). Please remember that it does not cover future defects.


In the event of breakdown outside the warranty period, MESTRA will send you a price estimate for the repair of your machine.

Do you need further information?


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